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  Character Profile: Angerboda

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PostSubject: Character Profile: Angerboda    Character Profile: Angerboda I_icon_minitimeThu May 23, 2013 4:17 pm

Name: Angerboda (will be called ‘Angie’ for short Razz)
Alias: The Nightmare/ Mother of Monsters/ She of Iron-wood
Age: ???
Occupation: Brotherhood
Relationships: Fenrir, Jormungand & Hel (children)

 Character Profile: Angerboda Tumblr_m26erlkMXM1ro7d57o1_250 Character Profile: Angerboda Tumblr_m26erlkMXM1ro7d57o2_250
I'm a fountain of blood. In the shape of a girl.

Personality: Mysterious, laid-back, cold, cunning, intelligent, sadistic, manipulative and not what one would call trustworthy. Her whole personality it’s hard to describe, as she seems to hide her real intentions and thoughts most of the time. She never really opens up to anyone, and yet she does enjoy showing her true self from time to time just for the heck of it and get a good scare from people.
She’s unable to feel fear, and is sometimes considered wise due to ehr age and mysterious nature and knowledge.
She is a rather calm person, and ticking her off is something that’s almost impossible to do. Maybe that’s because she’s in fact always angry, she’s just learned to bury it and keep it in control. Not that she’s any less dangerous when not being ticked off.
She can be smooth talking and sophisticated if she wants, and pretend to be ones friends when she in fact couldn’t really care less about you. She’s got a dark sense of humor, is harsh and enjoys toying with one’s mind. However, unlike her younger days, she doesn’t go around and just kills randomly or out of boredom, but she would still do it without a second thought if she really saw it necessary.
She’s a good actress, if she wants to be, but most of the time she never bothers with involving herself with others. She sees everyone equally, but on a lower scale than herself.
If she’s an enemy or friend it’s up to the people themselves, though she often would end up being their enemy who would slaughter everyone with a wave of her hand. You would often need luck on your side if ever running into her.
You try and hurt her, and she attacks back a hundred times worse.

 Character Profile: Angerboda Tumblr_m2p7zk0TUp1ru6ltuo1_500
No matter how many deaths that I die I will never forget
No matter how many lies I live I will never regret
There is a fire inside of this heart and a riot about to explode into flames

History: Angerboda is a female jotun, so naturally one of the Aesir’s greater enemies. Not only that, but she’s also a very powerful witch, in fact one of the most feared and strongest ever known. Not that’s she always been it though, if anyone would’ve bothered or dared to ask her about it.
As long as Angerboda could remember, she’s always been the source of fear and suffering amongst both humans and gods. It has always been said that she has always felt nothing but hate towards all living things and only longed to cause pain and destruction wherever she went. Who knows… maybe it was true from the start, but never by her own choice.
It’s hard to know anything else than sorrow or hate when one is brought up to only feel anger and thirst for chaos. The Jotuns perhaps hoped that she would be their key to bring the mighty Aesir down, having noticed her great gift for power and sorcery at birth. So they raised her to be feared, made sure she would only long for spreading death and never fearing it herself. Even the name they gave her, ‘Angerboda’ who means "the one who brings grief" and "she-who-offers-sorrow", helped her think that this was her soul purpose in life.
When the Jotuns who raised her decided she was old enough (but still rather young), they sent her to sneak inside Asgard and cause havoc. She did, and not only that but also caused the first war ever to erupt between the gods.
When they finally managed to end it, they had also taken Angerboda captive and as punishment they burned her to death. This would’ve been the end for the young jotun witch, if a certain trickster hadn’t found her quite… interesting.
Without being notice, he had stayed behind and watched the last flames die out, and then digged out her heart out of the aches. With this, he brought her back to life.
Of course she was chocked and confused as hell when she realized she’s been brought back, and didn’t trust the trickster at all. Instead, she just gave him her back and headed back home with promises of pain if she ever saw him again. He didn’t stop her though, and instead just watched her leave with an amused, if not found smile on his face. The only thing he told her was:
“We’re the same you and I.”

Angerboda had went back to spreading fear and destruction immediately after this, still without no second thoughts or question to her nature and purpose. However, she kept ‘running into’ the half god again and again. She didn’t give him much thought at first, and only tried to kill him off. She almost did more than once, yet he kept returning, and without realizing herself she had begun to question everything, and slowly discovered another side to herself. She still only felt hate towards everything, but he never tried to change it. If anything, he sometimes provoked it.
Time went by, and when she became a big threat again, the gods searched her out and saw her burned and killed a second time. Like last time, the trickster had revived her but this time she came back with a more change of heart. Yes, she still hated most of the things life had to offer and only saw darkness, but she was starting to wish for something else. Something other than the blackness deep buried in her soul. She stopped listening to the Jotun’s wishes of destroying the Aesir, knowing that she had only ever been a tool of them. She still wanted to spread chaos, but by her own terms, of her own free will.
She started to live in the darkest ad deepest woods of Jotunheim, and only grew more fearsome as time passed, this time by not only humans and Aesir, but by her own kind as well. She enjoyed it this way, alone where no one could control her. And yet still the trickster never stopped visiting her.
“Why do you insist on bothering me?” she had asked him. “Who knows, maybe out of loneliness?”
It wasn’t love exactly that bloomed, but a strong bond of understanding between them, because even the feared Jotun-Witch had felt alone all her life, without really understanding it herself.
It was about then the Norns had started to get their visions, about the three monsters of chaos, children of mischief and darkness that would bring forth Ragnarök began.
It was ironic, just when Angerboda had decided to stop spreading terror and just stay content on where she was, minding her own business, and the Aesir where sent out to execute her once again. They caught her right before she would’ve given birth to her third child, and this time would’ve made sure she stayed dead, had it not been for the half god interrupting. He still didn’t come in time to though, she ended up dying again, however the trickster did managed to save the baby girl from her dead mother’s body. He revived Angerboda for the third and last time.
She managed to hide the three children for some time, never being found again by the Aesir, but returned one day to see the three had been found. By the time she knew what had happened, it was already to late to save either of them.
Surprisingly, she didn’t attack or seek out revenge, but instead left the nine realms for good, never to be seen or heard of again except for in people’s nightmares.
She was already sure everyone would suffer for their crimes in the end, not by her own hands, but the hand of her children. And she would contently be watching from the sidelines as it started happening.

 Character Profile: Angerboda Tumblr_mn0hm12Osb1rbhwhho1_250 Character Profile: Angerboda Tumblr_mltfmvYTje1qdwmtyo2_250 Character Profile: Angerboda Tumblr_mltfmvYTje1qdwmtyo1_250
The more anger towards the past you carry in your heart, the less capable you are of loving in the present.

Powers/Special talents: Dream Manipulation, telekinesis and black magic.
It is said that she also holds the ability to manipulate not only objects but also one’s mind (memories, illusions etc.) and body, if not even soul. At some points, she’s even been called ‘The Puppet Master’.
Besides from knowing black magic, she’s always been very close to nature despite her own nature of spreading death. Due to this, she sometimes has the ability to feel or even ‘become one’ with nature and its elements, giving her the privilege to receive energy and life force from her surroundings, and turn into a power to destroy. She would prefer not use this though, as it only drains her own powers and strength to much, as she also sees this unwise.
Wherever she goes, she’s always been able to spread and arise negative feelings (both on purpose and not), such as fear, paranoia, the feeling of someone always watching you etc. It’s as if it’s impossible being near her without feeling uncomfortable or in danger.
She ‘feeds’ off of ones darker thoughts and feelings, and rises it within people without even having to try to. If one’s not aware of this, they can get swallowed up by their own mind and lose themselves.
She can change her appearance, but mostly only does that to hide her true form from others. However, she can also turn into people’s worst fear, or their biggest dream, but only through her victims eyes.

 Character Profile: Angerboda XTN Character Profile: Angerboda Xlz Character Profile: Angerboda XlA

When we first came here,
We were cold and we were clear,
With no colours on our skin,
We were light and paper-thin.
'Till you let the spectrum in.
Say my name,
And every colour illuminates,
We are shining,
And we'll never be afraid again..?

Last edited by Angerboda on Fri May 24, 2013 8:18 am; edited 4 times in total
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PostSubject: Re: Character Profile: Angerboda    Character Profile: Angerboda I_icon_minitimeThu May 23, 2013 4:30 pm

Hel: Hi mom
 Character Profile: Angerboda Tumblr_mfrs6naX5Q1s0x7tdo1_500
Sigyn: Angerboda, I didn't expect to see you here
 Character Profile: Angerboda Tumblr_inline_mm36s7hKdZ1qz4rgp
Hannah: Um hi :3
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PostSubject: Re: Character Profile: Angerboda    Character Profile: Angerboda I_icon_minitimeThu May 23, 2013 4:39 pm

@Hel: Hi there sweetie. You sure grew less than I expected
 Character Profile: Angerboda Tumblr_mdqkd3xcnc1r1rmzqo1_250

@Sigyn: I'm sure you didn't little Aesir
 Character Profile: Angerboda Tumblr_mltfmvYTje1qdwmtyo5_250

@Hannah: Yeah hi
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PostSubject: Re: Character Profile: Angerboda    Character Profile: Angerboda I_icon_minitimeThu May 23, 2013 5:07 pm

Hel: I know I'm short >.<
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 Character Profile: Angerboda Tumblr_inline_mm36sar9f51qz4rgp
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PostSubject: Re: Character Profile: Angerboda    Character Profile: Angerboda I_icon_minitimeThu May 23, 2013 5:20 pm

@Hel: Don't get so emotional. That size suits you <3
 Character Profile: Angerboda Tumblr_lon1njBfS01qd6v0do1_500

@Sigyn: My my, cat got your tunge again huh? Or you just that happy to see me
 Character Profile: Angerboda 3112627399_1_70_FuFWrc4O
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PostSubject: Re: Character Profile: Angerboda    Character Profile: Angerboda I_icon_minitimeThu May 23, 2013 5:29 pm

Hel: Thanks <3 dad's going to be surprised when he sees you, so is Jory actually
 Character Profile: Angerboda Tumblr_lstg4do6lg1qdq0qfo9_500
Sigyn: No not at all, does Loki know you're here?
 Character Profile: Angerboda Tumblr_inline_mmp9yghCYf1qz4rgp
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PostSubject: Re: Character Profile: Angerboda    Character Profile: Angerboda I_icon_minitimeThu May 23, 2013 5:40 pm

@Hel: Oh he sure will. And so will both Jorry AND Fenrir
 Character Profile: Angerboda Tumblr_lqsh412IwB1qd6v0do1_500

@Sigyn: No, why would he? No need to worry my lady I'm not after him... maybe (she's not xP)
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PostSubject: Re: Character Profile: Angerboda    Character Profile: Angerboda I_icon_minitimeThu May 23, 2013 5:54 pm

Diana: Great, just what I need, another evil destruction-bent god.
 Character Profile: Angerboda Tumblr_mbxak1kOMi1r0fjm8o1_500

Donna: . . . . *uses her better judgement to stay out of her way*
 Character Profile: Angerboda Tumblr_lgfs8mh70P1qb4ff7

Strange: Dear god, another power-hungry deity.
 Character Profile: Angerboda Tumblr_mjgz4rcKO01rkspm2o1_400
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PostSubject: Re: Character Profile: Angerboda    Character Profile: Angerboda I_icon_minitimeThu May 23, 2013 6:03 pm

@Diana: *blinks* 'God'? Please, don't mix me up with that disgusting lot
 Character Profile: Angerboda Tumblr_mltfmvYTje1qdwmtyo1_250

@Donna: Smart girl
 Character Profile: Angerboda Tumblr_mdqkd3xcnc1r1rmzqo5_250

@Strange: Again, don't mix me up with their kind. Go do your homework again proffesor
 Character Profile: Angerboda Tumblr_mdqkd3xcnc1r1rmzqo2_250
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PostSubject: Re: Character Profile: Angerboda    Character Profile: Angerboda I_icon_minitimeThu May 23, 2013 6:10 pm

Hel: So you heard about Fenrir? Dumb question...well I am glad you're here <33
 Character Profile: Angerboda Tumblr_ls69z8aHdZ1qc4wzco1_500
Sigyn: Oh I'm not worried about that, I was just curious
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PostSubject: Re: Character Profile: Angerboda    Character Profile: Angerboda I_icon_minitimeThu May 23, 2013 6:31 pm

Diana: *arched an eyebrow* You're an immortal, powerful being that's not nature bound. Where I come from, that constitutes a god. Regardless of what you are here, though, I don't need another insane immortal on my hands.
 Character Profile: Angerboda Tumblr_ly2f37yMKx1r5vg3o

Strange: *arches an eyebrow* Ah, I see, you're one of the Jotun. My apologies, I saw you were immortal and with the influx of gods I made an assumption. Still . . . alarming rate of immortal psychopaths popping up.
 Character Profile: Angerboda Original
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PostSubject: Re: Character Profile: Angerboda    Character Profile: Angerboda I_icon_minitimeThu May 23, 2013 6:48 pm

@Hel: quite hard not to hear about him wouldn't you say?*smiles*

@Sigyn: Sure, tell that to the rising worry within you

@Diana: Well unfortunately, that's not where I come from. And I'm as mortal as most of you here. Just happend to cheat my death a couple of times. Pfft, well then you better get to work then and fidn the real troublemakers around here.
 Character Profile: Angerboda Tumblr_mltfmvYTje1qdwmtyo2_250

@Strange: As i said, do your research properly professor, certainly you're not planning teaching this way?
 Character Profile: Angerboda Tumblr_mltfmvYTje1qdwmtyo6_250
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Harley Quinn

Harley Quinn

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PostSubject: Re: Character Profile: Angerboda    Character Profile: Angerboda I_icon_minitimeThu May 23, 2013 7:46 pm

Harley------ HI!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Johnny----------- Hi *smirks* Wink I think you and I could have a lot of fun.

Pietro--------- (avoids, doesn't really care)

Wanda----------- (watching carefully)

Wally-------Um I'm just going to stay over here,... behind Torunn cause you kind of freak me out


Danielle I love the character you picked ^^
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PostSubject: Re: Character Profile: Angerboda    Character Profile: Angerboda I_icon_minitimeFri May 24, 2013 8:55 am

@Harley: Stop making such noise

@Johnny: Yeah, keep thinking that sweetheart *bored*

@Pietro: (doesn't bother noticing him)

@Wanda: *smirks* Take a picture, it lasts longer sweetie
 Character Profile: Angerboda Tumblr_lqiu0xSoAH1qd6v0do1_250

@Wally: Right, as if a weak little Aesir could protect you.

Torunn: I'LL SHOW YOU 'WEAK' WITCH! Evil or Very Mad


Thank you<333 Very Happy
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